Spiritual Forms : Notes For Thinking About Art and Spirituality

Beyond contributing beautiful—or meaningful—objects to the public, art practice is a way for me to experience and think about the world, a way to understand the world and, through it, to understand something about humanity. This has always been the purpose of art-making for me: to experience in that way, to be conscious in that…

Suzanne Boisvert

Le jardin du collège américain

Suzanne Boisvert est une artiste en communauté intègrant la pratique relationnelle. Elle vit à Montréal et travaille actuellement sur un projet collectif, Nous, les femmes qu’on ne sait pas voir, une exploration intergénérationnelle du vieillissement. Elle fait ici le récit d’une rencontre émouvante, vécue en 2001 dans le cadre d’un projet relationnel au Goddard College,…

Painter and intermedia artist Annie Abdalla tells about her caring for Joan, her mother, and the effect it had on her art making.

The Alzheimer’s Method of Art Making

Annie Abdalla have an MFA in Interdisciplinary Art from Goddard College and a Masters in Environmental Studies from York University; She has also studied interdisciplinary art at Naropa University and the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. Since 2004 she has been on faculty at Goddard College in the Individualized BA Studies program. She…